OpenSource Privacy

Previously, I delved into the realm of OpenSource software and the Linux operating system, with a persuasive influence that extended even to friends and family members. While CentOS and Debian remain my preferred distributions, the transition for many from the Windows domain necessitates a simpler route. To address this, I’ve guided them towards Ubuntu and Mint, streamlining the process. The […]

Useful Linux Commands

​Here is a list of the most common commands that you will probably find useful. The commands and descriptions are all separated by “=”, so don’t include the = sign in the commands The most important one which will make your life MUCH easier is: sudo apt-get install <enter a programme name here> This finds the most up to date repository for […]

Configure your Privacy in Linux

In light of revelations by individuals such as William Binney, Edward Snowden, and WikiLeak contributors, concerns surrounding privacy and security have heightened. This has prompted a growing number of individuals to explore Linux, drawn by its reputation for heightened resistance to attacks and reduced vulnerability to viruses. Typically, newcomers gravitate towards user-friendly distributions like Mint or Ubuntu, assuming that once […]

Useful Linux Programs

A colleague of mine recently adopted the Linux operating system and sought my advice regarding software choices. I deemed it valuable to extend this insight here as well, particularly for those contemplating the transition to Linux. ESSENTIALS COMMERCIALWARE REPLACEMENTS GAMING Furthermore, for optimal enhancement of your experience, it is advisable to explore the realm of plugins. Virtually every function is […]